Interlude 1: Re: Request for funding adjustment

Transmission log for message from sender Morrow, Tin Gypsum buoy: Circle white, OK Gull station: Circle white, OK Dime buoy: Half-circle red, partial message loss, code 15 - inclement weather. Operator Addendum: storm was pissing down, could hardly sight the station, sorry Rose buoy: Half-circle white, see log above Subita station: Message received at half-circle white, marked internal use only.
Sender: EIC Morrow Recipient: Fulmar Ward Deputy Engineer Hilna Hass
Subject: Re: Request for funding adjustment
You've heard of a fixer, right? Somebody who knows the territory, your first point of contact. You need a fixer for this job, Hass, not more credits.
Until you find somebody in the RA who isn't going to cut and
Message partially lost, see status code above Message resumes
next time I meet with the Board of Conductors, they're going to want a status update, and right now I don't have anything to tell them. At least nothing good.
Your desk's budget is discretionary. If you're really sold on staffing up a buoy out there, you could move some things around. But if you don't show results fast, I'm gonna cut you loose and start over. Fair warning.
Transmission ends
Transmission log for message from sender Rigby, Augustin Gull station: Circle white, OK Gypsum buoy: Half-circle red, partial message loss, code 22 - operator error Shimmer buoy: Half-circle white, see log above...